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Book and reading promotion projects


Running 2019/2021​


       O Machado 180 se articula em cento e oitenta ações literárias, espalhadas pelas dez regional offices of Curitiba, scheduled to take place between May and October 2019, in celebration  the 180th anniversary of the birth of this who is considered by fortune criticizes one of the greatest (if not the greatest) writer in our country; contemplating works of different literary genres that will be shared and mediated with the reading public through different mediation formats.

          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     Therefore, the one hundred and eighty central actions of the project (social counterpart actions are not included in the number) are divided into 4 axes different, namely:

WHAT THE CAROLINAS COUNT - Reading Rounds of 1h each, in which the author's stories will be read and discussed collectively. The vocalization of the text is the responsibility of the reading mediator, while the participants accompany it in copies that will be presented to them. The intention is to blur the lines with which the author is usually presented in the regular teaching  – commonly approached through an elitist, distant prism – and to establish pleasant encounters for the enjoyment of the literary text from which space will be opened for a free conversation in which everyone has a voice and can share their readings, points of view, reflections and memories raised by the work.

The mediator intends to establish yet another provocation, regarding the portrayed social context  and the role of female characters in the dynamics of the plot and in the possible discourses in (and about) Machado's text.

ACCOUNT MACHADO - In this second axis of action, it is proposed to work with the traditional format of storytelling in its modality of “decorated story”. A duo of actors/tellers develops 50 meetings of 50 minutes in which several short stories and excerpts from the author's poems are interspersed in a performative sharing of the text (performative in the sense of being present through bodies/voices, presences in space). There are 5 different presentations (curated in annex) permeated by free conversations with the public, developed especially for community institutions where there is a significant number of young people and adults in the literacy process, as well as for young people in the final years of elementary school.

MACHADO – REVISED AND ENLARGED - In addition to the short stories and poems, the project also provides for mediation actions for the author's novels. Two of Machado's most famous narratives – Dom Casmurro and Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas – will be revisited through the work of other artists who approached Machado's universe and characters. Excerpts from films, music, other literary texts and performances by different artists will be mixed with excerpts from the proposed novel in an appreciation via multiple artistic languages. There are planned 20 activities of 90 minutes duration, also conducted from a wide listening to the voices of the participating readers, their impressions, memories and affections.


ON THE STAGE OF ASSIS - Machado's dramaturgy will be presented through 10 scenic readings of the play “Almost minister”, contemplating the mediation of this textual genre to which the author dedicated himself. After each presentation, performed by 4 actresses, the team will open a chat where they can receive the impressions of the participants, and answer questions about the author, the work and the scenic choices through which they were presented. The scenic reading meetings will be organized to last 50 minutes.

Thus, the actions listed above will be distributed as follows: 100 reading wheels, 50 storytelling, 20 readings in multiple languages and 10 scenic readings. There are 180 hours of completely free programming, offered not only to the spontaneous public already used to attending cultural spaces and events. The central idea is to schedule the execution of actions in different types of institutions and public spaces, addressing the invitation to the citizen who still finds themselves distant from reading practices. The choice and scheduling of spaces will be made in common agreement between the production of the project and the coordination of literature of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba through the Casas da Leitura of the Curitiba Lê Program.



Idealization: Ali Freyer

Workshops: Diamila Medeiros, Ali Freyer and Fabiane de Czaro.

Mediation "What the Carolinas tell: Juliane Souto.

Storytellers "Conta Machado": Ali Freyer and Janaína Micheluzzi

"Multiple Languages" mediators: Juliane Souto and Rodrigo Hayalla

Dramatic Readings "On the Stage of Assis": Janaína Micheluzzi, Fabiane de Cezaro, Juliane Souto, Lígia Quirino and Rodrigo Hayalla.

Production Direction: Rodrigo Hayalla,

Directed by: Penguin Productions and Movimento Enxam

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